Lymphedema Pumps

Patients must be very careful as not every pump is safe to treat lymphedema. The two pumps that are used to treat lymphedema are Lympha Press Optimal and Flexi Touch. Please visit the sites below for more information on lymphedema pumps and be sure to watch the virtual treatment session. Proper lymphedema pumps are in most SK Health Regions, please contact your CDT therapist for further information (please see Services in SK tab, CDT list).
Sequential compression therapy (lymphedema pump) can be an additional treatment to Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) for moderate to severe lymphedema. A special device sequentially inflates and deflates a garment worn over the affected area, applying directional compression. The pressure and release cycle encourages emptying and refill of the lymphatics, while the directional compression promotes the flow of lymph upward towards the torso and assists the lymphatic fluid in finding its way around the blockage to healthy lymphatic channels. -information in the above paragraph from
SAIL Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living
“A grant is available to clients with a diagnosis of lymphedema or lipedema for the purchase of a multi-chambered (six or more) lymphedema pump. To be eligible, clients must have a diagnosis of lymphedema or lipedema, require the pump long-term and at least every second day, and demonstrate the pump is effective through a successful trial of a machine. Referral is required from a physician who diagnoses lymphedema or lipedema and whose letter must confirm the diagnosis of lymphedema or lipedema. A physiotherapist must specify the type of equipment and accessories that are required. If approved, the client will be notified in writing. The client is responsible for purchasing the equipment and submitting the receipt to SAIL. SAIL will reimburse the client for two thirds (2/3) of the actual cost of the pump, sleeves and accessories to a maximum of $4,000. The grant is available once every five years.”
Please find the updated Saskatchewan Aids to Independent Living (SAIL) Policy in the area of Special Needs Equipment at this link:
Additional links
Lympha Press
Flexi Touch
Compression Pumps for Lymphedema Treatment
Understanding Lymphedema Pumps