What is Lipedema?

Lipedema (painful fat syndrome) is a chronic disease that occurs mostly in females. It is characterized by bilateral, symmetrical fatty tissue excess, mainly in the hip region, upper and lower leg areas and combined with a tendency for leg swelling that worsens with standing. In male patients lipedema is extremely rare (1). Lipedema is often misdiagnosed as bilateral lower extremity lymphedema or as simple obesity.

To read more: www.fatdisorders.org

Canadian Lymphedema Framework: https://canadalymph.ca

The Disease They Call Fat- Preview, The Lipedema Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5DSCUxa720&feature=youtu.be

Lipedema: What We Know and What We Need to Know- Lymphatic Education & Research Network http://lymphaticnetwork.org/news-events/lipedema-what-we-know-and-what-we-need-to-know

Lipedema Network Canada https://www.facebook.com/lipedemanetworkcanada/videos/vb.359369400936096/359746320898404/?type=2&theater

Differences between Lipedema and Lymphedema http://www.lymphedemablog.com/2013/03/31/differences-between-lipedema-and-lymphedema/

Lipedema – Video and Information  http://www.lymphedemablog.com/2014/03/05/lipedema-video-and-information/

Dr. Stanley Rockson – Lymphatic System: Inflammation & Lipedema – LE&RN  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g-lbEc3t8g

Watch the video, “You Mean It’s Not My Fault: Lipoedema, a Fat Disorder. www.lipedema-simplified.org

Lipedema Project: www.lipedemaproject.org

Lipedema Alberta lipedemaalberta.ca

B. Best Practice Guidelines: The Management of Lipoedema https://www.annedancey.co.uk/download/best-practice-guidelines-the-management-of-lipoedema-pdf

Saskatchewan Lipedema Facebook Support Group
This group is for anyone with lipedema to share information, discussion on care and living with Lipedema.